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09 September 2012

Live chat with great authors!

If you love paranormal/urban fantasy you'll LOVE to know about the chat happening this Tuesday at 3pm with Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh and Katie Macalister. 

Ilona Andrews is the author of one of my favourite series - the Kate Daniels series.  The other two ladies are great readers whose books also grace my many bookcases.  You can read about the chat over at Ilona's website/blog.  I subscribed to the email list and there are some great posts.


  1. Hello. I have a cross stitch related question for you. Do you by chance have a Selena Fenech design that was produced by White Willow Stitching called "Axe? What Axe?" that you would be willing to sell? I have been searching for this chart for years and it is out of print. My email is Thank you!

  2. I'll look and see if I still have it. I can't remember if I kept it or not.


  3. Thank you so much for checking! I'm hoping you still have it!
