Ug. I did not miss working on Sundays while I was on my hols!
It's been as hot as ever at work. I was hoping they would have got some sort of air conditioning in my office while I was away, but no such luck! It was almost 100F in there most of the week. Apparently they are 'working on it' - I think that means I might have it by winter! It's a really small office with lots of computer equiptment in it and I can't have the door open as it is the cash office and has the safe in it.
BLOGS - I always feel like we spend loads of money unnecessarily. It seemed that when I wasn't working (or working part-time) we - or perhaps I - was a lot more frugal. I was careful about food buying, careful about spending money and how much bills are. But now it seems that it's not such a concern. I'm not saying we're rich, or my job pays a lot, but we are better off than we have been in the past. Anyway, the point of this rant (yes, there is a point)is that once in a while I like to look for inspiration.
There are so many blogs out there about frugality. I'm not looking to become the next Extreme Couponer but I would like to see how other people save and how they enjoy it. I started off reading one of my favourite blogs and hitting her favourite blogs. There are lots to pick from! Happily this is an English blogger so makes me feel a little more at home :)
WILL POST MORE LATER - internet is really slow! It's been acting up the last few days.