My Sad, Sad Visitor Counter :(

26 May 2011

Guess what...

This is the sight my DD saw in our back garden early this morning just before dawn. We live in the city so it's quite a sight! She did her best to take a pic.

19 May 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

Wow - I can't believe another year has passed! When I first started writing this blog I was getting ready to turn 40. Now I'm 41!! Where did the time go? This time last year I was in England celebrating with my Mum and sisters. I didn't get to talk to my Mum today -- she's in Spain visiting her sister. We only have another 5 weeks until we leave and I will get to see Mum.

Anyway - I picked up my DD early from HS and we went out to lunch and to see the movie Bridesmaids. It was such a good movie! I found it really, really funny and sad in parts.

DD is cutting up Strawberries for afters - we are having cake and ice cream at my MIL's on Sunday and I didn't want cake again today. All in all a nice day!


15 May 2011

Sunday Catch-up

I forgot to post a picture of the cake my DD made me for Mother's Day last Sunday. Quite a surprise to come home from work and see her making it. They also got me a new MP3 player as I washed my smaller (and cheaper one) in the washing machine. I take it to work to listen to before anyone arrives and had it in my pocket when I put my trousers in the machine. Aaaaarrrrgggg! I didn't want to spend the money on a new one as I am saving for my hols. I missed listening to the Scott Mills podcast - a show I download from the BBC website.

I try to let Mother's day slip past quietly as I miss my Mum terribly. I see her once a year. Right now I'm trying to focus on the fact that it's next month that I go home! Yeah!

I stayed at work an extra hour today as I had work to catch up on and this week I am taking some time off for my birthday. I am having four days in a row off - Thursday thru Sunday - haven't had that much time off since this time last year! I also have Tuesday off as I have to go to Grand Rapids to have my Green Card renewed - groan.

Now that I'm home I'm sitting down to watch Hoarders. While watching I started wandering around the web looking at thrifty websites and all the goodies people found. People seem to find all kinds of treasures at Garage Sales, Car Boot sales and thrift/charity shops. My DD actually found a nice handbag on Saturday for $3. She was after something to carry the spare camera lens while she was taking pictures for the school newspaper at the prom. We ended up at a Goodwill store. I was really suprised to see so many people there!

Anybody else find any treasures?

13 May 2011

Did I miss it???

Spring? Did I miss it? We went to cold weather with snow, very dreary and suddenly HEAT! It was 80-something yesterday and even with the windows open we were toasty warm. It's a little too soon to get the window air conditioners out. Let's be honest - I'd like a couple smaller bills before the air conditioner ones begin and this IS Michigan - we could be back to freezing temps tomorrow!

With Spring - or nicer weather - comes Garage Sales. I always seem to go to more at the beginning of the season. It's fun to see what everyone else is getting rid of. Afterall one man's trash is another man's treasure. We didn't have these when I was in England. The added bonus of England is that there are lots of Charity shops to poke about it - especially if the weather isn't too nice.

Back when I was a SAHM I used to hit the sales on Fridays, but now I'm working most of them have been picked over by the time I get done. Sigh. I miss those days!

However, today I did hit a couple thrift stores. I picked up some nice cross stitch mags - some Just Cross Stitch, The Stitchery and Stoney Creek.

07 May 2011


This is all fabric I purchased when Enchanted Fabrics went out of business. It has great names like Dragon's Mist, Hocus Pocus and Mystical.

Wassup for the weekend???

I actually have two days in a row off - Friday and Saturday. I'm SO excited! I think I need more of them. I actually feel like I got stuff done and had time to relax.

Friday - I cleaned out a whole stack in my room. I'm letting go of more books. I've got three boxes sorted to either donate or Ebay. I realise I can't read them all and perhaps decluttering a little will give me the space to relax. I actually feel good about what I got accomplised. I had time yesterday to go shopping with my DD and I actually picked up some clothes. There was a great sale at Kohls and we had an extra 15% off coupon. I hate clothes shopping but I am going to need new stuff for my holiday and don't want to procrastinate and leave it until the week we go. I actually ended up buying more than my DD (which is an amazing thing as she's 17 and loves shopping.

Saturday YARD SALES! There is one neighbourhood sale in our city that I absolutely love and it was this weekend. The sale is great because A) you can park and walk and B) there is something for everyone. I stayed away from bringing a bunch more clutter into the house, but I did find some cross stitch leaflets. My best find was a bunch of Prairie Schooler leaflets and some Just Cross Stitch Ornament issues.

I haven't forgotten about fabric pictures - getting ready to take pics now and post. I found a bunch more when I decluttered yesterday but I'm only going to take pics of the stuff I 'uncovered' on my dresser.

04 May 2011


I'm feeling a bit better today. Just seemed so overwhelmed yesterday. I thought things would get easier as kids got older but sometimes it seems harder and sometimes they just make me cry. I was so overwhelmed yesterday and tired and I'd had enough. I am counting days down to my holiday. I really need a break.

I was on a cleaning frenzy today - actually pulled out the computer desk and cleaned behind (you so do not want to know what I found!) and I cleaned off my dresser (finally). I put some in donate box and others in find-another-place-to-keep box. I uncovered a bunch of cross stitch fabric (told you it was a big mess). I'll take pics of the fabric and post tomorrow.

03 May 2011


Sometimes I just feel like sitting in a corner crying.